15 November 2005


The explanation of the process which leads me to write a musical piece is something which, after some years as a composer (not that many really) and after a lifetime as a musician, is still unclear and full of mystery.
I am convinced that the degree of consciousness experienced during the process of artistic creation, is not comparable to that of everyday life. In the creative process one enters into a dimension where sensibility is, as we say, altered and in which the reference parameters are no longer physical but spiritual. One passes from the state in which the ear serves to hear, to one in which the relation between thought and feeling generates a sort of perceptive channel, which cannot be felt materialistically, through which we hear and elaborate at the same time what we have just heard, transforming it into an artistic product.
The outer ear thus becomes only the final reference of what has been perceived by our inner ear and is revealed to be no more than an instrument through which we verify, in a concrete way, the exactness or not of what was felt with organs which allow us to explore levels of reality which are different from those which we are used to.

9 November 2005
28 November 2005